Testing Methodologies and SDLC: Task 1. Qn 3 and Qn 4.

3) As a Manual tester what qualities do you possess. Illustrate with examples.

A manual Tester should have the following qualities that are essential for effectively testing software applications:

1.Attention to Detail:

Example: A manual tester carefully reviews test cases and documentation to ensure all requirements are covered. They should be able to spot inconsistencies, errors, and deviations from expected results, and be able to document these issues clearly and concisely.

2. Analytical and Problem-Solving Skills:

Example: When encountering unexpected behavior during testing, a manual tester analyzes logs and error messages to pinpoint the root cause of the issue. They should be able to analyze complex systems and identify potential issues and be able to develop effective strategies for testing and debugging software

3. Communication Skills:

Example: Manual testers need to effectively communicate defects to developers, providing clear and concise steps to reproduce the issue, along with screenshots if necessary.

4. Patience:

Example: Testers often need to perform repetitive tasks and execute lengthy test scripts. Patience is essential to maintain the quality of testing throughout the process. Also, Testing can be a time-consuming and sometimes frustrating process, and good testers should have the patience and persistence to see it through to the end. They should be willing to invest the time and effort required to thoroughly test software and identify potential issues.

5. Time Management:

Example: A manual tester efficiently plans their testing activities to meet project deadlines and ensure comprehensive coverage of test cases.

8. Adaptability:

Example: In an agile development environment, testers must adapt to frequent changes in requirements and prioritize testing efforts accordingly.

9. Curiosity and Creativity:

Example: Good testers should be curious and creative, always looking for new ways to test software and identify potential issues. They should be willing to explore new testing methods and techniques and be able to think outside the box to uncover issues that may have been overlooked by others.

10. Passion for Quality:

Example: A good tester should have a passion for quality and a commitment to ensuring that products meet high standards. They should take pride in their work and be dedicated to delivering products that meet or exceed customer expectations.

These qualities can help to testers to deliver high-quality products that meet customer needs and expectations.

Q4) What is the difference between waterfall and agile methodologies in SDLC?

1. Traditional/ Sequential Approach: Each phase of the SDLC, such as requirements gathering, design, development, testing, and deployment, is completed one after the other.Iterative and Incremental Approach: Agile follows an iterative and incremental approach, breaking down the development process into small iterations or sprints. Each iteration involves a complete cycle of planning, analysis, design, development, testing, and deployment
2. Fixed Scope and Plan: The project scope, requirements, and plan are defined upfront at the beginning of the project. Changes to requirements are typically not accommodated easily once the development process starts.Adaptive to Change: Agile methodologies embrace change and accommodate it throughout the development process. Requirements can evolve and be refined based on feedback and learning during each iteration.
3. Emphasis on Documentation: Waterfall places significant importance on documentation, with detailed requirements, design specifications, and test plans created before the development phase.Emphasis on Collaboration: Agile promotes collaboration and close interaction among cross-functional teams, including developers, testers, and stakeholders, throughout the project.
4. Limited Customer Involvement: Customer involvement is usually limited to the requirements gathering phase, with less interaction throughout the development process.Customer Involvement and Feedback: Agile methodologies encourage continuous customer involvement and feedback, allowing them to provide input and prioritize requirements during each iteration.
5. Longer Delivery Time: Waterfall projects tend to have longer delivery times due to the sequential nature of the methodology and the fixed scope and plan.Quick Delivery of Working Software: Agile enables the delivery of working software in shorter iterations, providing incremental value to the customer and allowing for early feedback.
6.Less Flexibility: The Waterfall methodology is less flexible to changes or feedback during development, as it requires going back to previous phases to incorporate changes.Continuous Improvement: Agile methodologies emphasize continuous improvement through regular retrospectives and the incorporation of lessons learned in subsequent iterations.
7.Suitable for Stable Requirements: It is best suited for projects with well-defined, stable requirements where changes are minimal or infrequentSuitable for Dynamic Requirements: Agile is suitable for projects with dynamic or evolving requirements, where frequent changes, feedback, and adaptability are essential

These are the differences between Waterfall and Agile methodologies in SDLC.